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Registered office

Cricket Square
Hutchins Drive, PO Box 2681, Grand Cayman,
KY1-1111, Cayman Islands

Principal place of business in Hong
Kong registered under Part 16 of the
Companies Ordinance

43/F, One Taikoo Place,
979 King's Road,
Quarry Bay,
Hong Kong

Headquarters and principal place
of business in Singapore

130 Joo Seng Road
#07-05, Singapore 368357

Company’s website

Ms. Yu Hong Yee (余康怡女士)
43/F, One Taikoo Place,

979 King's Road,
Quarry Bay,
Hong Kong

Company Secretary

Authorised Representative(s)

Mr. Goon Eu Jin Terence (阮友仁先生)
130 Joo Seng Road
#07-05, Singapore 368357

Ms. Yu Hong Yee (余康怡女士)
43/F, One Taikoo Place,

979 King's Road,
Quarry Bay,
Hong Kong

Audit Committee​

Mr. Lim Boon Cheng (林文正先生) (Chairman)
Mr. Ng Chee Kwong, Colin (吳志光先生)
Mr. Lim Sooi Kheng Patrick (林瑞慶先生)
Mr. Kho Chuan Thye Patrick (高泉泰先生)
Mr. Hwang Kin Soon Ignatius (黃勤順先生)

Mr. Ng Chee Kwong, Colin (吳志光先生) (Chairman)
Mr. Lim Boon Cheng (林文正先生)
Mr. Lim Sooi Kheng Patrick (林瑞慶先生)
Mr. Goon Eu Jin Terence (阮友仁先生)
Mr. Hwang Kin Soon Ignatius (黃勤順先生)

Remuneration Committee

Mr. Goon Eu Jin Terence (阮友仁先生) (Chairman)
Mr. Lim Boon Cheng (林文正先生)
Mr. Ng Chee Kwong, Colin (吳志光先生)
Mr. Kho Chuan Thye Patrick (高泉泰先生)
Mr. Hwang Kin Soon Ignatius (黃勤順先生)

Nomination Committee

Conyers Trust Company (Cayman) Limited
Cricket Square
Hutchins Drive
PO Box 2681
Grand Cayman
Cayman Islands

Principal share registrar and transfer office

Tricor Investor Services Limited
17/F, Far East Finance Centre
16 Harcourt Road
Hong Kong

Hong Kong branch share registrar and transfer office

Principal banker

Malayan Banking Bhd
2 Battery Road
Maybank Tower #16-02
Singapore 049907

© 2024 Design Capital Limited.​

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